- On Friday December 22nd, 2017
- In Aves Colombia Aves Tinamú Avistamiento Aves Aviturismo Birding Colombia Noticias Observación Aves Turismo Aves
- Tags: Aves, Aves Colombia, Avifauna Colombia, Bird watching, Birding tour, Birds Colombia, Caminera Cabeciazul, Ernesto Obando, Gray-headed Dove, Leptotila plumbeiceps, Nature Photographer, Observación aves
Gray-headed Dove an achievement result of conservation
Gray-headed Dove, the new generation of this pigeon is once again in the nature reserve, the high state of protection and conservation of this small fragment of tropical humid forest embedded in the full agricultural area of Manizales-Colombia, which can be elusive and Lonely can recover its population and to wonder of the avituristas around the world, be observed and photographed as the last images shared by Ernesto Obando G. Nature Photographer.
Leptotila plumbeiceps measures approximately 23.5 to 26 cm. It is slightly smaller than the (Leptotila verreauxi), with the crown and back of the neck gray, the tip of the narrower and white lateral wheelhouses, and the loreal area and the eye ring naked purple. In adults, the throat and the anterior part of the head are whitish, the upper part and sides of the head are leaden gray and the back of the purplish gray neck lighter. The rest of the upper region is dark olive-brown colored. The lateral wheelhouses are fusca with the white tip. The face and the anterior part of the neck are anteater, and progress gradually to pinkish and opaque and then to white in the abdomen (the breast of the females is more grayish). The wing lining is rufous, the iris is light yellow, the bill is black and the legs magenta.
They live inside the forest; it prefers the understory of humid forests and mature secondary forests, bushes with scrub or cocoa plantations. They venture into open places in the vicinity of dense vegetation. Foraging alone or in pairs; walking on the ground and collect seeds, fallen fruits and gravel. They are lonely or they form pairs.
The males sing from the ground or from perches in the undergrowth sometimes well above eye level.
Audios Tinamú Birding | Xeno-CantoFuentes.
Field Guide to the Birds of North America, Fourth Edition (National Geographic).
Hilty, S.L. y Brown, W.L. A Guide to the Birds of Colombia. N.J: Princeton University Press, 1986. 836 p.
Restall, R; Rodner, C y Lentino M. Birds of Northern South America: An Identification Guide 2006. Tomo 1 / 656 p. y Tomo 2 / 880 p.