- On Wednesday June 10th, 2020
- In Aviturismo Aviturismo Colombia Noticias Observación Aves
- Tags: aviturismo colombia, colombia bird lodge, lodge birds, Observación de Aves
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Verónica Echeverri our receptionist and bird lover is waiting for you again!
We take care of people and their jobs! Verónica Echeverri our receptionist our gardener and #birdlover is waiting for you again!
Take care so you can #birding with us #stayhome
The conservation of the nature reserve begins more than 40 years ago thanks to the love for nature of the Londoño Jaramillo family, who allowed the coffee and banana plantations to become a semi-natural forest, supporting their reforestation with the planting of trees natives of the region, which allowed to attract and concentrate a high density of fauna to this oasis surrounded by mountains with fully agricultural crops.
Learn about the Tinamú foundation in:
Bird Foundation Tinamú Lodge