- On Wednesday April 7th, 2021
- In Conservación Noticias Reserva Natural Sociedad Civil Tinamu
- Tags: Aotus lemurinus, Estudio primates, Investigación en Primatología, Lemurine Night Monkey, Mamíferos Casi Endemicos, mamíferos Colombia, Mono Nocturno Andino, primates en Caldas, primates en Manizales, Semillero Investigación Universidad de Caldas
Lemurine Night Monkey by The Seedbed for Research in Primatology and Conservation of Their Ecosystems
The Seedbed for Research in Primatology and Conservation of Their Ecosystems (SIPCE) with the support of Tinamú Birding, managed to register the lemurine Night Monkey (Aotus lemurinus) in the natural reserve of the Tinamú Civil Society. This species is in the VULNERABLE threat category, due to its loss of habitat due to fragmentation, hunting, among others. This record, as well as several detections of other mammals such as foxes, jaguarundíes, tairas, bush dogs, armadillos, guaguas and sloths, indicate the importance, status and ecosystem services provided by the reserve.
Aotus lemurinus – Lemurine Night Monkey is a primate in a vulnerable Almost-Endemic state registered in the Tinamú Civil Society Natural Reserve above 1,000 meters of altitude and widely registered in pre-montane humid forests and other ecosystems such as savannas and plains up to the 2,800 meters of altitude.
We create a sense of belonging by showing the primates in our area, teaching that not only do chimpanzees or gorillas exist, Juan Felipe León León member of the (SIPCE) mentions, he also mentions that this small primate measures between 40 and 50cm, with grayish fur and coloration. in chest and red belly, with big eyes to see better but it is not so adapted for the nocturnal life, it is omnivorous but mainly it eats fruits, seeds and some protein for insects that are in its way.
The investigation and follow-up has a strict protocol divided into groups, night walks with the use of low intensity flashlights and searching for periods of time going through the entire area of the Tinamú reserve, activating and turning off the lights to identify through the sound. movements in branches and trees and then turn them on and register the animals found, mainly the Andean Night Monkey, the key is to register it at the peaks of activity and their habits that are between 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm and 3:00 am and 6:00 am; Likewise, the primate is found in areas near the city of Manizales such as in the Monteleón reserve, Río Blanco reserve, Los Yarumos Ecopark among others, likewise there are many nocturnal species that are registered and can also be reported to the Research Seedbed in their networks social @sipce_uc