Tinamú Birding is now a Civil Society Nature Reserve
Our conservation objectives are further strengthened by being recognized as a Tinamú Birding Civil Society Nature Reserve RNSC 031-19 before National Natural Parks of Colombia PNNC according to resolution 056 of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development..
For more than 40 years we have taken care, protected and reforested a small part of the sub-Andean forest of the department of Caldas in a property of the Londoño Jaramillo family, being a strategic ecosystem and of great biological diversity of the agricultural and coffee zone where it is located and which Today it is the habitat of hundreds of species of birds, 227 residents and 33 migratory boreal species, different types of mammals such as the Fox Crab, Night Monkey, 2-toed Sloth, Tamandúa, Guatín, Armadillos, Tairas, Perros de Monte, among others, as well as reptiles, insects and attractive day and night butterflies.
Thanks to this registration and one more reason of pride and commitment for us, we will continue with greater rigor and enthusiasm our activities of conservation, regeneration and restoration of ecosystems within the 12.6 Ha of the Tinamú Birding RNSC Natural Reserve, with actions towards knowledge and the state of the birds and fauna in general that inhabits or that temporarily visits us in search of refuge and food.
We will increase our environmental education programs focused mainly on children and young people from the San Peregrino district, people with disabilities, older adults, alliances with institutions, as well as specialized studies in science from schools in the city of Manizales and university careers related to biology and agreements with ornithological associations in the country to generate and publish quality information for the scientific community in favor of nature conservation and biodiversity.
We will promote responsible and sustainable tourism at the national and international level, permanently involving the community and our local collaborators to deliver to visitors, in addition to comprehensive experiences, but life and conservation teachings.
We hope with hope that very soon we will be able to resume the educational and tourist activity in our oasis in the middle of totally agricultural and livestock lands.
More information about Tinamú Foundation in:
Fundación Tinamú Birding and Lodge